
Registration is open for the two NEW leagues being offered (Monday night 11v11 and Saturday 7v7) as well as for the standard Sunday league (11v11)Every individual league guarantees 8 games (min) per season, and all games will be 60-minutes (58 minutes of playing time, 2-minute halftime).  See below for details on the various leagues being offered this Spring and the corresponding instructions for how to register.  Please note that fees have increased, despite the initial appearance of a reduction; for more information, see “Cost Information and other updates”, below).

Sundays, 11v11 @ Patterson Park (tent. starting 4/6/25)

Mondays, 11v11 @ Patterson Park* (tent. starting 4/7/25) [NEW] First 3 teams to register by 3/6 will get $95 off!!


Saturdays, 7v7 @ Patterson Park* (tent. starting 5/31/25) [NEW]

*If there is sufficient interest in reversing these (11v11 on Saturday, 7v7 on Monday night), that may be possible.

Spring Leagues

Sundays, 11 v 11 @ Patterson Park

Fees & Important Dates

Early Registration: $85/player.  2/8/2025 through 2/27/25 at midnight (BEST VALUE)
Regular Registration: $95/player.  2/28/2025 through 3/6/2025
Late Registration: $105/player.  3/7/2025 onward (may result in delay to receiving jerseys)
Initial roster/payment deadline — Thursday, March 13, 2025 (by midnight!)
Anticipated shirt ordering dates: March 19 (initial), April 7 (after week 1), April 28 (final)

Female players and most returning players will continue to receive a discount ($5 each, stackable).  The discount does not apply to players who register as Free Agents.  See the League’s Shirt Policy for more.
Payments via Areena – please note that the base league fee in the Areena app is exclusive of any discount.  Those eligible for a discount should get the pertinent discount code(s) from their team’s Captain and input the code to adjust the fee.  Discount code(s) must be applied when paying through the app and is the sole responsibility of the player to input.  Discounts will NOT be applied retroactively.
Payments via Venmo:  Players may submit their League fee via Venmo (@charmcitysoccer) to avoid the Areena service charge so long as no fee is incurred by the League.  Players who are unable to pay via Venmo are encouraged to pay through their team’s Captain (or have the Captain contact the League to make other arrangements).  Payment via Venmo should not be sent “for goods/services” or connected to a credit card.  Given that league fees change based on the date a player pays, Captains are asked to kindly advise their players (or confirm with them) the amount the owe (factoring in any applicable discount for a female or returning player).  Any balance due (including any fee charged by Venmo) or refund owed will be determined by reconciliation to be settled up with the team’s Captain shortly after the Final Roster Deadline.

How to Register

Returning Teams (on Areena) – all teams from the prior season will be “rolled over” by the League once registration opens.  Players will then have the ability to pay through the App, or outside the App via Venmo (in accordance with the above; will be marked as paid on the App within roughly 1 business day of receiving payment).

New Teams (not yet on Areena) – Please register your team, but be sure to select “pay offline” and complete the registration (see also Registration Policy – Team and Division Placement Policy).  Once the registration is complete (you should get a confirmation email), the League will contact you within 48 hours with instructions on how to create a team page on the Areena app, and how to invite your players to join your team’s page.

Free Agents (individual players not connected with a team) – Please register as a FA (see also Registration Policy – Free Agents), but be sure to select “pay offline” and complete the registration.  Once you have completed these steps and your registration has been submitted (you should get an email), the League will contact you within 48 hours with instructions on how to submit payment as well as next steps.

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Mondays, 11v11 @ Patterson Park

Fees & Important Dates

Early Registration: $85/player.  1/25/2025 through 2/27/25 at midnight (BEST VALUE)
Regular Registration: $95/player.  2/28/2025 through 3/6/2025
Late Registration: $105/player.  3/7/2025 onward
Initial roster/payment deadlineThursday, March 6, 2025 (by midnight!)

If applicable, female players and most returning players will continue to receive a discount ($5 each, stackable).  The discount does not apply to players who register as Free Agents.  See the League’s Shirt Policy for more.
NOTE:  Players must submit their League fee via Venmo (@charmcitysoccer).  Players who are unable to pay via Venmo are encouraged to pay through their team’s Captain (or have the Captain contact the League to make other arrangements).  Please note that no fee may be charged to the League.  To avoid any fee, payment via Venmo should not be sent “for goods/services” or be connected to a credit card.  Given that league fees change based on the date a player pays, Captains are asked to kindly confirm with their players the amount they owe.  Any balance due (including any fee charged by Venmo) or refund owed will be determined by reconciliation to be settled up with the team’s Captain shortly after the Final Roster Deadline.
Until Areena is better able to handle refunds through their app, all payments should be made through Venmo (see instructions, above).  If there are not four (4) or more teams to form the league, refunds will be issued, and large numbers of refunds can’t go through Areena without increased confidence in their ability to issue them properly.

How to Register

Teams – Please register your team, but be sure to select “pay offline” and complete the registration (see also Registration Policy – Team and Division Placement Policy).  Once the registration is complete (you should get a confirmation email), the League will contact you within 48 hours (in most cases) with instructions on how to create a team page on the Areena app, and how to invite your players to join your team’s page.

Free Agents (individual players not connected with a team) – Please register as a FA (see also Registration Policy – Free Agents), but be sure to select “pay offline” and complete the registration.  Once you have completed these steps and your registration has been submitted (you should get an email), the League will contact you within 48 hours with instructions on how to submit payment as well as next steps.

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Saturdays, 7 v 7 @ Patterson Park (likely 2 games per hour; 1 referee per game)

Fees and Important Dates

Early Registration: $75/player.  1/25/2025 through 4/30/25 at midnight (BEST VALUE)
Regular Registration: $85/player.  5/1/2025 through 5/8/2025
Late Registration: $95/player.  5/9/2025 onward
Initial roster/payment deadlineThursday, May 8, 2025 (by midnight!)

If applicable, female players and most returning players will continue to receive a discount ($5 each, stackable).  The discount does not apply to players who register as Free Agents.  See the League’s Shirt Policy for more.
NOTE:  Players must submit their League fee via Venmo (@charmcitysoccer).  Players who are unable to pay via Venmo are encouraged to pay through their team’s Captain (or have the Captain contact the League to make other arrangements).  Please note that no fee may be charged to the League.  To avoid any fee, payment via Venmo should not be sent “for goods/services” or be connected to a credit card.  Given that league fees change based on the date a player pays, Captains are asked to kindly confirm with their players the amount they owe.  Any balance due (including any fee charged by Venmo) or refund owed will be determined by reconciliation to be settled up with the team’s Captain shortly after the Final Roster Deadline.
Until Areena is better able to handle refunds through their app, all payments should be made through Venmo (see instructions, above).  If there are not four (4) or more teams to form the league, refunds will be issued, and large numbers of refunds can’t go through Areena without increased confidence in their ability to issue them properly.

How to Register

Teams – Please register your team, but be sure to select “pay offline” and complete the registration (see also Registration Policy – Team and Division Placement Policy).  Once the registration is complete (you should get a confirmation email), the League will contact you within 48 hours (in most cases) with instructions on how to create a team page on the Areena app, and how to invite your players to join your team’s page.

Free Agents (individual players not connected with a team) – Please register as a FA (see also Registration Policy – Free Agents), but be sure to select “pay offline” and complete the registration.  Once you have completed these steps and your registration has been submitted (you should get an email), the League will contact you within 48 hours with instructions on how to submit payment as well as next steps.

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Cost Information and other updatesAfter more than 12 years, the turf at Patterson Park is finally slated to be completely re-turfed in Spring, 2025 – woohoo!!  Alas, with a new field comes increased costs.  The League, having already borne increased costs in recent years, cannot continue to do so.  In an effort to ease the burden of the increase to players, and to alleviate the need for all players to pay the full amount up front, the League is shifting back to having teams be separately responsible for paying referee fees on the field for each game.  Please note that while the per player fee may appear to be lower than in recent seasons, the referee portion is not factored in, so there is a net increase in price.  The total referee fees for the eight (8) guaranteed games amounts to $400 ($50/game). Based on the average roster size of 19 players, this amounts to about $2.50/player per game.  How teams choose to handle the payment of referee fees each week is entirely up to each individual team; however, the League may inquire as to whether any of the referees will accept Venmo, if players would prefer not to bring cash to the field.  Thank you, in advance, for your understanding.  Players are encouraged to register “early” (or as early as possible) to get the best available rate!

Additionally, please note that we are continuing to migrate to an individual online registration approach using the AREENA app for our Sunday league (and for any new leagues).  The app is still in its BETA phase — we apologize for any bugs or issues players may experience on their behalf and work to resolve them ASAP — but as we continue to use and understand the app, feedback continues to be shared with Areena in an effort to make the app much improved so that players will be able to get significantly more from the app and the playing experience.  Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated during this period of transition.

If it is past the registration deadline and you are still interested in playing, please register, but select “pay offline” and complete the registration.  The League will contact you if there is availability.  Visit the league’s main page for additional information specific to that league, including cost information.  Be sure you are aware of the deadline dates as they will be adhered to strictly!  By participating in the League, participants agree to be bound by all League Rules and Policies.

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