Outdoor Soccer

Is there any wonder why soccer is the most popular sport in the world? Anyone can play, and all you need is a ball! Playing a basic game of soccer doesn’t require a large number of people or a soccer field; it can be as simple as kicking the ball around with friends. And, like any sport, soccer has all kinds of physical and social benefits. Sure, soccer is exercise, but it is also FUN! Its fast-paced excitement makes it an enjoyable sport to play and to watch. Soccer is a great opportunity to stay active and compete in a friendly, fun and social environment. So have some fun, meet some new friends, and improve your skills by kicking it into high gear by joining an outdoor soccer team!

Charm City Soccer League is proud to bring you coed outdoor soccer on a TURF field.  Currently, we play in Baltimore City at Patterson Park.  For what leagues are being offered, check out the League’s Registration Page.  Check back frequently to see what leagues are open for registration or fill out the form to the right to join the League’s email list and be notified about upcoming leagues and events.

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